Maha Amin Therapy

Counselling and hypnotherapy online, in Marylebone and South Woodford, London.

What is Hypnoanalysis?
Hypnoanalys is a combination of hypnosis and psychoanalysis, where the therapist and the client work together to find the root to the presenting issue in a safe environment. Hypnosis is a state of total relaxation, where the subconscious is amenable. During psychoanalysis, the client’s past is examined and analysed to understand the present. In hypnoanalysis, […]
So, why get creative?
Creativity is so important to having a healthy mind. But first let us see what creativity is. So, what is creativity? You might be surprised to learn that you are being creative everyday. Problem solving, finding new solutions to problems, navigating an unknown situation are all acts of creativity. Creativity does not have to be […]
Dealing with stress
Hey there! Recently, we have all been encountering a challenging time, worrying about our health and that of our loved ones, work and financial security. The uncertainty causes us stress. But it is during these difficult times, that it is imperative it is to look after our mental well-being. We need to 'feed' our minds […]

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