Maha Amin Therapy

Counselling and hypnotherapy online, in Marylebone and South Woodford, London.

Social Media and Electronic Information Policy

This section outlines the policy of Maha Amin Therapy with regard to the use of social media and electronic information. If you, as a client, have questions about any aspect please do ask.


As the world of technology is constantly changing this document is likely to be updated regularly and the latest version will always be available on my website.


I do not accept friend or contact requests from former or current clients on any social networking site as this can not only compromise your confidentiality (e.g. if another of my friends saw that you were a friend they may wonder how we know each other) but would also blur the boundary of the therapeutic relationship.


I have accounts different personal and business accounts on social media. My personal accounts are locked. I would suggest not following me. If I notice that you have requested following me, I would suggest we discuss this. I will not follow you on any platform, as this can cause confusion around the purpose of this.

I do post occasionally on Instagram and tweet as a business, whilst you are of course free to follow my business accounts, I do not reply to comments and I do not respond to direct messaging for security purposes.


Please do not use public ways of contact (e.g. @replies or tagging) again because of the potential for this to compromise your confidentiality. You may use, WhatsApp or text to discuss appointment times or other logistics but not therapeutic issues. The latter cannot be kept secure.

Use of search engines:

I do not routinely Google my clients but may very occasionally in a time of crisis. For example, if you had failed to attend a session and there was a reason for me to be concerned for your safety I may try to find out about you this way. If I did so, I would tell you about it the next time we met.

Business review sites:

You may find my name on business review sites but I have not asked to be on these. Businesses do not get a choice. Clients are free to post whatever they choose and due to confidentiality I cannot comment on anything that is posted. Indeed, anyone (including a competitor) can post anything so it is advisable to be aware that reviews (good or bad) may not be representative of the views of real clients.

It is considered unethical by some of my professional bodies to publish testimonials and so you will not find any testimonials posted by me, nor will I ever ask you for one.

Location-based services:

If you use location-based services on your phone you should be aware that others may surmise that you are a therapy client if you are seen as "checking in" at my address.


It is preferable to use email only for logistical contact (e.g. to get a reminder of an appointment time) due to the inherent insecurity of email. If you wish to engage in "email therapy" then please use a password protected word document to contain what you wish to say. I can set this up for you if you need it.


As above, texting may be used for contact about appointment times. This is preferable to making a phone call as it is easier to respond as I cannot answer the phone if I am with another client. Whether phoning or texting, please only do so between the hours of 9am and 5pm.

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